Get world wide weather reports directly to your Windows Mobile Smartphone device using the all new PocketWeather 2! PocketWeather is the best weather tracking solution for Windows Mobile devices! Featuring a robust weather engine wrapped with a stylish and easy to use interface. Including special Facade integration placing your weather forecast directly on your device Home screen and the powerful WeatherConsole for advanced weather information such as: humidity, wind details, cloud layers, METAR stations information, earthquake details and much more!The WeatherConsoleFacade IntegrationCustom Layouts and Weather Source Templates 一款具有新特点的天气软件,PocketWeather 2.0!PocketWeather 2.0带来了许多新的令人兴奋的特点,其中包括:带有超强脚本设计的新今日插件,授权的气候控制,PocketBreeze integration,新的友好界面选项等等。 新设计的今日插件和脚本设计-一整套新的设计图案和高级脚本设计图案可以无限创作天气图案,还有,你能够尽情享受D-Pad导航支持和更多气候图形。气候控制检查-完全支持不同屏幕分辨率和定位。PocketWeather的气候控制是移动用户最为强有力的天气解决方案。